Scripts included & instance limits.

We currently offer 4 plans: Bot manager core, pro, lite, elite. Lite plan includes all of our scripts restricted to 2 instances at a time. There are over 15 scripts included which means you can run a total of 30 bots in total.


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Bot manager core plan:

  • AIO Yew Chopper

Key features: Supports all yew locations in the game, banking or power chopping, built in break settings

Requirements: Rune axe, 60 + woodcutting

Instance limit: 10 instances

  • Looter

Key features: Multiple preset locations & custom ones, built in breaks, food support

Requirements: none

Instance limit: 10 instances

  • Grand exchange trader

Key features: Buys and sells any items into the G.E

Requirements: Enough gp for buying.

Instance limit: 30 instances

  • Strength pumper

Key features: Trains strength at the blast furnace pump.

Requirements: 30 strength

Instance limit: 10 instances

  • Spider egg collector

Key features: Collects spider eggs in Hosidious

Requirements: 43+ prayer, wearing prayer bonus armor will help. 

Instance limit: 15 instances

Bot manager pro plan:

Includes all scripts of core plus:

  • Mage training arena

Key features: The script completes the mage training arena minigame. The script has built-in break settings and G.E restocking – it will buy and sell everything it needs. The profits are depended on the item you pick from the mage training arena shop

Requirements: At least 8 magic, 20+ hp, 500k + cash

Instance limit: 20 instances

  • Chaos druids

Key features: The script kills Chaos Druids in Edgeville dungeon and Falador. The script has built in break settings. 

Requirements: At least 20/20/20 + for melee mode, 20+ range for range mode, enough gp for supplies, armor.

Instance limit: 30 instances

  • Progressive Hill Giant Killer with Obor support

Key features: The script is designed to train your accounts in f2p. It will progressively kill chickens, cows, al-kharid warriors, hill giants, and obor. You can start as a level 3, although random skills are recommended to avoid profiling. The script has built-in break settings.

Requirements: iron, steel, black, mithril, adamant, rune scimitar, amulet of strength, full iron, steel, black, mithril, adamant set with platebody and rune set with rune chain body, 200+ trouts, brass key. You can buy all these with the grand exchange trader script inside the manager. Swordfish and 60/60/60 for Obor.

Instance limit: 20 instances.

  • Progressive F2P Firemaker

Key features: The script lights logs at the G.E (logs, oaks, willows, maples). Script has built in break settings & G.E Restocking.

Requirements: Enough gp to buy the logs.

Script limit: 20 instances

  • Muler

Key features: The script mules any gold or items from your mule to the bots and back. 

Requirements: Enough gp for trading gold to your bots. 

Instance limit: 30 instances

  • Minnow fisher with angler support

Key features: The script fishes minnows and gets the full angler set. Script has built in break settings.

Requirements: 82+ fishing, enough gp for supplies

Instance limit: 20 instances

Bot manager Elite plan:

Includes all scripts of pro plus:

  • Undead druids

Key features: The script kills undead druids in forthos dungeon. Supports unlocking the forthos dungeon, automatic ge restocking high alching, range & melee, herb sack, built in break settings and an advanced anti ban system.

Requirements: 43 prayer, 50 range (for range mode) and 70/70/70 (for combat mode), 55 magic for high alching. 

Instance limit: 20 instances

  • Elder chaos druids

Key features: The script supports G.E Restocking, anti pk mode, looting bag, altar, and more! Profit is highly dependent on your RNG, typically 300-1m per hour.

Requirements: 37 prayer, at least 60/70/60, decent armor ( dragon scimitar/ whip, monk's robe/initiate, dragon boot), food, and enough gp to resupply on death.

Instance limit: 20 instances

  • Tithe farm

Key features: The script starts from level 1 farming and progressively trains until your desired level. Support G.E Restocking, built-in breaks. 

Requirements: Gp to train early farming levels.

Instance limit: 30 instances

  • Crazy Archaeologist 

Key features: The only fully automatic Crazy archy script on the market with grand exchange restocking, anti-pk support, advanced anti-bans, anti patterns, randomizations, humanlike behavior, automatic amour loading & buying, death support, built-in break settings. 

Works only with Iban blast*

Requirements: 43+ prayer, high magic/hp/defence levels, underground pass quest completed.

Instance limit: 20 instances


Key benefits: The script kills KBD in the wilderness. Group mode option possible by launching the bots into the same world.

Requirements: High stats, 43+ prayer, decent armour, good food, enough gp for supplies, dragon slayer 1 started in order to wear a dragon fire shield. 

Instance limit: 30 instances

  • Master farmer

Key features: The script trains your thieving level from level 1 until you are able to start master farmers. 

Requirements: some food for 1-5 thieving, hammer, compost and saltpeter if you do not have 15% hosidious favor yet

Instance limit: 30 instances

  • Sorceress garden 

Key features: Fully automatic Sorceress’s Garden script. Supports summer season ( 1 click method), automatic ge restocking, option to farm herbs or exchange juices, stamina potion support, built-in break settings.

Requirements: 65 thieving, enough gp for stamina potions and beer glasses

Instance limit: 20 instances

  • Sarachnis

Key features: Kills Sarachnis in the forthos dungeon

Requirements: 43 prayer, decent stats ( 80/80/80+), and enough gp for the script to supply. 70+ range is required for blessed d’hide armor.

Instance limit: 20 instances

  • Account builder

Key benefits: The script trains 11 skills in the most efficient way with 1 click. Our script has built-in ge restocking, advanced anti ban

Requirements: view full script description here.

Instance limit: 40 instances

Tutorial island solver

If you are looking to find the best Tutorial Island solver on the market, look no further than BH Tutorial Island. Our script plays a drastic role in randomizing the entire Tutorial Island. Every skill, every interaction, every movement is completely randomised 

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