Step 1:Download


Last Update 7 months ago

System requirements

Supported Operating Systems

Windows 10 ; 11  (Home, Pro, Educational, Enterprise)

Windows Server 2016+


Mac OS* **

Software Requirements

Download link: Bot Manager v2.3

Oracle Java 8 (OpenJDK/earlier/later versions are not supported)

OSBot must be downloaded and ran at least once prior to running the Bot Manager on the same machine.

OSbot VIP ($9.99 / month) is required in order to run more than 1 bot.

For mirror mode: (not recommended to be used at this time due to higher rate of detection).

!!!Do not install these if you want to use stealth injection:

Proxifier 4 - download ***

Sandboxie-Plus - download ***

Official Game Client - download***

Proxifier key: KFZUS-F3JGV-T95Y7-BXGAS-5NHHP

We highly recommend that you pay close attention to the installation process of Proxifier and Sandboxie, ensuring that you have installed the standard edition and not the portable versions. It is also essential to verify that the associated services and drivers are running correctly after installation. In the event that they have been stopped, they must be started manually. It is important to note that mirror mode functionality is only available on Windows operating systems, and Mac OS users cannot set the launch world. Additionally, Sandboxie and Proxifier are only required for mirror mode and will be automatically configured by the manager in the background.

Overall, it is critical to follow the installation instructions carefully to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that the software is configured correctly.

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